Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Dykes, Tykes and Mics.

A planning application to transform the old Co-op in Market Street into a Lesbian Pole Dancing and Poetry Club has been thrown out by Withering Heights Council. At a planning meeting on Thursday 5th November at the Town Hall, Councillor Robshaw, Tyke Alliance, said a substantial majority of the town were against such a proposal and the 'very idea of bringing this kind of thing into a wholesome town like Withering was an abomination.' He also went on to denounce the misuse of the word Tyke in the planning application, saying, 'To have a Lesbian Pole Dancing Club would be bad enough, but to call it DYKES AND TYKES WITH MICS, is an insult to every honest Yorkshireman in the county.' Speaking on behalf of the proposal was Sandy Grinn, property developer and businesswoman. 'Withering Heights needs to move with the times. When industries are closing up and down the valley, we need to look to the lesiure industry to provide jobs.' Worried that such a club would bring undesirables into the town, the Right Reverend Tony Malpas said'...we need to stamp out the exploitation of women in our society....a Lesbian Pole Dancing Club is sending out the wrong message to our children.' Ms Grinn, later told the enquiry that the club would be run by women for women, so there would be no question of exploitation.' The planning application was denied.


Veronica, ex from uni texting like a mad thing. Decide to keep mobile on me at all times. Friday's meeting is on at a Hotel in Wetherby, she's up for a conference. Must remain sober. Miranda calls me into her office and says she was cornered at her Pilates class by the bank manager who wants to meet us Friday morning to discuss our 'Future.' For whom the bell tolls and all that. She's now got the big abacus out and is busy trying to get a business plan together. Three residents from Harley Bank corner me in the offcie. The council are planning to knock down their houses and build a car park. Paddy planning to call in favours from his mother's brew of Pagans, Shamans and all manner of Alternative therapists. I tell him to put the voodoo dolls down and head to the photocopier and start a petition. Local MP, has dropped the charges of criminal damage to his office. Rumour went round that it was his ex, which of course it wasn't but he doesn't want any bad publicity with a General Election imminent. Paddy relieved. So am I.

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