Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Frank Incensed at Nativity 'Slur.'

Frank Greenwood, 33 of St Bede's Close, Withering Heights, was arrested yesterday after starting a fight at The Withering Heights Womans' Nativity play. A police spokesperson said the assailant had 'Apparently taken great umbrage because they had depicted the baby Jesus as a woman and that the three wise men, were an all female singing troupe from St Helens whose act consisted of constant references to 'female plumbing.'' The accused, a sheet metal worker, had spent several hours in The White Lion drinking strong continnetal lager before going along to the nativity play. It was only when 'Jospephina, picked up the 'son of God and said' It's a girl,' did Greenwood allegedly throw the first punch which connected with the angel Gabriel and sent her reeling into the cowshed. The police were called and Greenwood was taken to the police cells to be questioned. Amanda Fotherington-Haysmith, the director of the play said she was 'appalled' at his behaviour and hoped the magistrates would throw the book at him. Baby Jesus was unhurt in the fracas, although she did sustain a few cuts and bruises after an altercation with a couple of Asses in the Manger. The doctors passed her fit and she will be appearing in the last show, which is tomorrow, the 17th December at the Womans' Refuge Centre on Cross Street. Frank Greenwood is to appear before Withering magistrates on the 21st of December.

Dear sir,

I am not having cameras in my bins. Gordon Brown should spend more time looking into the Bankers Bonuses than snooping around in my bin. I for one will be petitioning the Home Secretary as I think it is an attack on my civil liberties. What goes into my bin is my concern and nobody elses. What next, cameras in our stomachs to see what we're eating?


Graham Batty

Dear Sir,

Apropos Bins. I propose that a group of us should go down to the Town Hall and look through the Councillors bins and see what they throw away. I'm sure that would be very illuminating.
What next stool monitors in the sewers?

The Reverend Tony Malpas. Rtd.


Uni friend desperate to meet up again for her company Christmas Party. I just know where that will end up. Drunken and guilt ridden and all rather messy. I'll text her later.

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